Lidl, Home Bargains and Farm Foods have all made a significant investment into Hereford by announcing plans to expand their stores.
Lidl announced plans to extend its Hereford store earlier this year and work is now underway. The store will take the vacant buildings next store that used to be home to Poundworld.
The plans will see the shop floor almost double in size once completed.

A planning application has also been submitted by Home Bargains to take over the unit that is currently occupied by Bensons for Beds on Holmer Road.
Planning Application Details:
The proposed refurbishment and amalgamation of existing building and site layout to create a single retail unit (Class E); creation of a new shop front and entrance extension with associated cladding; reconfigured car parking including parent and child spaces; trolley corral; bollards; and associated works.
“Bensons for Beds currently occupy the adjacent unit B which TJM have recently acquired on a freehold basis to facilitate expansion of the existing store and ensure the long-term occupancy of existing floorspace in a very challenging retail market.”
“This amalgamation of the two units will result in HB increasing its store by 654 square metres to create an enlarged unit of 2,051 square metres.
“The application presents an opportunity for Home Bargains to retain their presence in Hereford and securing the long-term occupancy of existing floorspace.
“The proposals represent private sector investment and will lead to the refurbishment and improvement of the existing retail unit together with the retention and creation of new jobs.”

Finally, Farmfoods are set to reopen their Hereford store when work to extend the store into the former Bathstore unit on Belmont Road is completed.
The move will see the store offer a wider selection of frozen items and an increased number of non-frozen items.