A public meeting has been arranged in a Herefordshire market town for residents to voice their concerns about proposed car parking charges.

Concerned Kington residents will have the opportunity to speak to Herefordshire Council representatives at the public meeting on Wednesday March 2nd from 7pm at The Burton Hotel.

Chief Executive Paul Walker and Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport Councillor John Harrington are expected to be in attendance to discuss issues regarding proposals to put charges on three extra car parks in the town.

The meeting has been organised by Kington Town Council with the support of the chamber of trade. Chamber of Trade chairman Emma Hancocks said ‘It would be great if everyone affected by their ridiculous proposed charges are able to share their reasons why and how this impacts their businesses’

Chamber of Trade press officer Andy Compton said: ‘The proposals not only effect shops and businesses but residents in and around the town who will have to contend with the inevitable displaced parking’

Pictured in the High Street Car Park, one of the car parks affected by the proposals, are from left Kington Mayor Councillor Bob Widdowson, County Councillor Terry James and Kington Chamber of Trade chairman Emma Hancocks and vice chairman Gareth Clark.