West Mercia Police officers have issued a warning after receiving reports of youths throwing items at cows and chasing them.

The incidents have occurred in the Malvern area.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said:

“Following reports of youths throwing items at cows and chasing them on Moat Farm in the Pickersleigh area of Malvern.

“The Pickersleigh Safer Neighbourhood Police Team are carrying out patrols in the area.

“This anti social behaviour is unacceptable and causes the cattle to be alarmed, which in-turn could put those responsible in danger of being seriously hurt.

“We are working closely with the farm and carrying out patrols of the farm and will deal with anyone found to be responsible accordingly.

“We recognise that the vast majority of young people are responsible and would never commit such behaviour, however we ask that parents be aware of where there children are in the evenings and what they are getting up to.

“Thank you for reading. Please share this message.”