West Mercia Police have issued an appeal after an increase in reports of hare coursing over recent months.
A spokesperson for West Mercia Police (Leominster) said:
Herefordshire and the neighbouring counties has seen an increase in the number of reports of hare coursing recently.
It is illegal in the UK under the Hunting Act 2004, which makes it an offence to hunt wild mammals with dogs. Anyone convicted of the offence can receive a fine of up to £5,000 by a Magistrates’ Court.
Legislation also gives police the powers to seize and detain vehicles until the court hearing. Powers to seize vehicles may also be granted under section 30 of the Game Act 1831.
What to look for:The most obvious sign is groups of vehicles parked in a rural area, perhaps by a gateway to farmland, on a grass verge, on a farm track or bridle path.They will usually be estate cars, four wheel drives or vans. It will be obvious looking inside whether there is evidence of dogs or not.They will often use binoculars to spot hares during the day or high powered lamps at night.
If you see hare coursing taking place, or suspect it is happening in your area contact us immediately on 101. We advise that you do not approach the participants. Also please consider emailing the team on Leominster.snt@westmercia.police.uk if you have information to share.
To help us identify offenders please provide us with as much information such as vehicle descriptions or registrations, descriptions of offenders, whether there are any dogs or firearms present. Consider the use of apps such as What3Words to help us identify the exact location.
There is a nationwide operation which targets those engaged in illegal hare coursing, by working with 23 other police forces we will endeavour to curtail this cruel and, quite frankly outdated so called ‘sport’. By working with other forces across the country, we can share information and intelligence on offenders who cause the greatest harm to our rural communities. Prevention will be the focus, supported by more sophisticated prosecution and intelligence gathering capabilities.
It is often the case that the offenders have a complete disregard for the community and farm owners. Please see the attached photos which show the extent of the damage caused by a recent report made in our policing area.
Many thanks, PC Beswick 21166 and the Leominster policing team.