Detectives are continuing to investigate how a 5 year old boy died at Pandy Park.

Chief Inspector Geraint White said: “Our condolences go out to the family of the young boy and our thoughts are with them. We have been in regular contact with the family throughout today, and will ensure they are promptly updated of any significant developments. The family is still being supported by specialist trained officers as they come to terms with the tragic incident.

“The local neighbourhood police team will continue to support and speak to residents in the area, and I encourage people to talk to them if they have any concerns. We recognise there are a lot of people in the local community who would like answers about what happened to him.

“We are keeping an open mind and are working hard to establish the full circumstances of his death so that we can provide answers to his family.

“This is an extensive and sensitive investigation and many people have been affected by this death. We would request that respect is extended to all those involved, and that people do not speculate about this incident on social media as this is an active investigation.

“As our investigation continues I would like to thank the local community for their understanding and support whilst we carry out further enquiries.”

Anyone with any information can contact us by one of the following means quoting reference number 2100268674.

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