The UK will take part in a minutes silence at noon today, to remember the huge number of lives that have been lost during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over 125,000 COVID-19 related deaths have been recorded since the start of the pandemic, with the true number likely to be even higher.

On 23rd March 2020, with cases rising at an incredibly quick rate, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was forced to tell the British public that they must ‘Stay at Home’ to help save lives and to protect the NHS. The lockdown was then extended three weeks later as cases, hospitalisations and deaths continued to rise.

We are in a different place now, with successful vaccines and better testing and treatments, but in truth, we still find ourselves in a lockdown that is slowly set to ease and people remain very cautious. A third wave of the virus is hitting Europe and Boris Johnson has even admitted that it is almost inevitable that we will be impacted by this at some point.

In Herefordshire, over 300 COVID-19 related deaths have been recorded to date, again with the true number likely to be much higher. Over 220 of those deaths have occurred at hospitals in the county.

At 8pm this evening, members of the public are being asked to stand on their doorsteps to take part in a ‘beacon of remembrance’ to remember all those lives lost. It’s being suggested that people shine torches, light candles or use the torch on their phones to create light.