The Old Bridge is now closed to traffic across the River Wye as part of alterations put in place by Herefordshire Council to support the safer towns and cities initiative.

Businesses on Bridge Street have expressed their concern over the potential drop in footfall and passing trade due to the changes.

A release by Herefordshire Council earlier this month stated the following:

As shops re-open, people return to work and more people visit Hereford and the market towns, the government has asked local authorities to introduce temporary measures that give pedestrians and cyclists the space they need to maintain social distancing and travel safely. 

The measures, which will include using temporary barriers and signage to widen footways, some timed or partial road closures and dedicated cycle lanes, will allow more space to walk and cycle in busy areas. Speed reductions to 20mph on some streets will help pedestrians and cyclists feel safer where road space is shared.

The temporary measures, which are being introduced week beginning 20 July, are being funded by government Emergency Active Travel Funding, which has allocated ÂŁ20,000 to Herefordshire to promote walking and cycling for short and local journeys. The temporary nature of the measures will allow them to be reviewed and additional funding is expected in the coming months to install further measures.

Cllr John Harrington, Cabinet member infrastructure and transport, explains:

“During lockdown lots of people took the opportunity to travel locally in a different way, with a huge number choosing to walk or cycle instead of using their cars for short distances. This made a big difference to congestion, to people’s health and to general feeling of wellbeing and quality of life. In our City and towns it was fantastic to see people choosing to leave their cars at home if they could and use their bikes or feet. It was particularly nice to see more families cycling together, feeling safer with the reduced traffic.

“As the restrictions are lifted we want to provide as much space to cyclists and pedestrians as possible to encourage them to continue with that and to free up pavements for safe queuing and distancing. We want people to feel relaxed when they come into town and to spend more time and money within our towns and City. It is important that we can adapt how we use space to support this.

“We’ve consulted with the City and town councils and local businesses and amended some of our initial proposals as a result of their feedback. Now is a good time for everyone to consider how they travel locally and what is better not just for our road network around Herefordshire but what is good for us and the planet. There will be further active travel measures considered over the summer.”

Full details including location maps are available on the Herefordshire Council website at:

The temporary measures being introduced to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists are:


  • Cycle lanes on Newmarket St, Blueschool St, Commercial Rd, Ledbury Rd (uphill
  • Extended timed closure in High Town and Widemarsh St – 10.30am – 5.30pm
  • Closure of Old Wye Bridge except cycles and buses northbound
  • Closure of Aubrey St at junction with King Street
  • Parking suspension on Broad Street (west Green Dragon side), King St (south Spread Eagle side) and Bridge St (east Left Bank side)
  • Shared use footway on Station Approach
  • Extended 20mph zone (see map for exact area)


  • Footway widening on High Street and New Road
  • Suspension of some parking bays
  • 20mph zone town-wide (see map for exact area)


  • One way on Woodleigh Road except cycles
  • 20mph zone town-wide (see map for exact area)


  • Timed closure (except cycles) on High St, Victoria St, Corn St and Corn Square 10am-1pm Mon – Sat
  • 20mph zone town-wide (see map for exact area)


  • Moderated traffic speed on High St
  • 20mph zone town-wide (see map for exact area)

Ross on Wye

  • Moderated traffic speed through the town centre
  • 20mph zone town-wide (see map for exact area)