An Ofsted inspection on 8th December 2021 continued to show that Marden Primary School is a ‘good school’, but inspectors said that the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might not be as high if a full inspection were carried out now. The next inspection will therefore be a full inspection.

The inspection report praised the school by saying that Marden Primary School is a very welcoming and friendly place in which to work and learn.

The report went on to say that Pupils and staff say that they like coming into school each day. Everyone gets on well with one another and pupils’ behaviour is super. Bullying is uncommon and pupils are sure that adults would stop it quickly if it happened. Staff are kind to pupils and always have time for them if they are upset or worried about anything.

The report added that Marden Primary School is a very caring school. Staff are interested in pupils’ views and always have time to hear their ideas or respond to any worries. Consequently, pupils feel safe and secure at school and enjoy being there. Whatever they are doing, pupils behave well. They pay attention to their teachers and classrooms are calm and orderly.

Indeed, from the early years upwards, classrooms are bright, cheerful places to be. There are plenty of things to see and do. Attention to quality spoken language and treating one another with respect are notable strengths

The full report can be read by visiting – Ofsted | Marden Primary Academy