NHS England has released daily COVID-19 figures that confirm that no further COVID-19 related deaths have been recorded at hospitals in Herefordshire, meaning that the total number of COVID-19 related deaths recorded at hospitals in the county since the start of the pandemic remains at 225.
NHS England has reported 98 new COVID-19 related deaths. Last Tuesday, NHS England reported 101 deaths.
COVID-19 all announced deaths
The total announced file is updated daily and contains information on the deaths of patients who have died in hospitals in England and either tested positive for COVID-19 or where no positive test result was received for COVID-19, but COVID-19 was mentioned on their death certificate. All deaths are recorded against the date of death rather than the day the deaths were announced. This file contains breakdowns by region, age group and NHS trust for those who tested positive for COVID-19. This file also contains a breakdown by region for those where no positive result was received, but COVID-19 was mentioned on their death certificate.