More than 20 staff at Herefordshire Council are on salaries of £80,000 or higher a year, according to information shared.

The information, shared by Herefordshire Council details that 21 staff are placed within a salary bracket that is £80,000 or higher per year. It should be noted that some of these positions could be pro-rata, depending on the number of days worked.

As of 2023, there were six members of staff earning more than £100,000 per year. 

Paul Walker, the CEO of Herefordshire Council, is on a salary worth more than £164,000 per year, according to a new document released in 2024.

Other high earners include the Corporate Directors of Children and Young People, Economy and Environment and Community Wellbeing.

The two other positions that have salaries of more than £100,000 per year are the Director of Governance and Law and also the Director of Resources and Assurance.

This information was correct as of the 31st March 2023. Changes to salaries and positions may have occurred since then.

The information is publicly available by visiting –