A meteorite that lit up the skies above Herefordshire has been discovered on a driveway.

Late Sunday evening (28th Feb), reports started to come into Your Herefordshire about a loud ‘explosion’ type noise. What was different with this report, was that a quick glance of social media would show that reports were also coming in from as far away as Liverpool and London.

We quickly discovered that several members of the public had witnessed a bright light in the night sky, and videos like the one below quickly started to appear on sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

It has now been announced that the residents of a house in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire heard a rattling noise and initially thought that perhaps a picture had fallen off the wall. They looked out the window but, as it was dark out, couldn’t see anything and so left it at that.

It would not be until the morning when they went outside and found a black, sooty splatter mark on the driveway right outside the house. 

Full story – Fireball meteorite that blazed across the UK recovered from a driveway in Gloucestershire | Natural History Museum (nhm.ac.uk)