Following an investigation by West Mercia Police, a man has been sentenced to 12 years in jail for historic charges of child sexual offences, that took place in Worcester.

Simon Clancy, aged 44 previously of Teme Road, Worcester was sentenced at Worcester Crown Court on Thursday 11 March. He was found guilty of nine sexual offences during a two week trial that finished on Thursday 10 December 2020, he was found guilty by jury of:

Seven counts indecent assault on a boy under the age of 14-years-old.

Two counts gross indecency with a boy under the age of 14-years-old.

The offences on three boys all occurred in 1992. Clancy was originally interviewed in April 2019.

He has also been registered as a sex offender.

 Following the sentence Detective Constable Nerys Stevens said: “I am pleased that the sentence reflects the severity of these crimes and hope this helps provide some closure to the victims of these horrific crimes.”

“The victims have all been extremely brave throughout the process in providing evidence during interviews and in court proceedings. Hopefully, this serves as a reminder and deterrent to offenders that we are absolutely committed to bringing those responsible of crimes to justice, even when it is some 10+ years later, like in this instance.”

Anyone who has been the victim of a sexual offence is encouraged to report the incident to police, where specially trained officers will help victims with care and sensitivity, and will work to get the right result for them with their wishes in mind.

Alternatively, there are many agencies you can approach for help, guidance or support which offer a variety of services. Please see The Independent Sexual Violence Services for more information and for a list of the agencies available in your area.