A local contractor has been awarded the contract to carry out improvement works at a Hereford primary school, to benefit children with disabilities or special educational needs.

The adaptation and improvement works at St Paul’s Primary School, Hereford, will include mitigation of potential health and safety risks and will benefit all children with special educational needs or disabilities who attend the school in the future, including looked after children and care leavers.

S.C. Joseph Ltd were the successful bidder following a successful tender via the council’s procurement portal.

Herefordshire Council Decision Notice:

“Award a contract to S.C. Joseph Ltd to carry out the adaptation and improvement works at St Paul’s Primary School, Hereford, following a successful tender on the council’s procurement portal.

“Approve the expenditure of up to £58,132.38 for the adaptation and improvements works, which includes a contingency of up to £5,284.76. Approve the expenditure of up to £2,906.61 for professional fees.

“Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by the Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget.”