An online fundraiser has been created for a 12 year old Hereford girl who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Layla has a TP53 gene mutation inherited from her Dad which means that she is at a much higher risk of developing certain types of cancer than the rest of us.

Two of her siblings have also inherited this gene mutation.

In August 2022, Layla was diagnosed with a rare brain cancer (choroid plexus carcinoma) and although this was removed, both Layla’s hearing and sight were severely impacted.

In recent days, Layla’s cancer has sadly returned and two additional tumours have been found, one of which is on her spinal cord. Devastatingly this time, there is no cure and Layla’s Mum, Laura has been advised to make as many memories as possible with her.

Layla has made a ‘wish list’ and the family would LOVE to make as many of her wishes as possible come true.

Her wish list won’t be publicised for the simple fact that Layla is just 12 years old and this is too much for her family.

This is the sixth time that Laura has had to face a cancer battle, once with her Husband who sadly passed away, three times with her Daughter Taya and this is now the second time with Layla.

Any help offered really would make such a huge difference.

The link to the Just Giving Page is here -> Fundraiser for Laura Phillips by Leanne Willows : Layla’s Wish List (