The River Wye peaked in Hereford (Old Bridge) yesterday evening at close to 5.4 metres.

Yesterday afternoon Matt from Your Herefordshire visited the team at De Koffie Pot in Bridge Street who were preparing for flooding. The two previous floods in 2019 and 2020 caused severe water damage to the business, with levels reaching 6.1 metres in February 2020.

Owner Gary Waring told Your Herefordshire:

“Last year we were involved in a joint project with Hereford Cathedral School to build a flood defence around the back of De Koffie Pot. The school own the tennis courts which are close by. We made sure the new design matched the previous bricks”

Gary continued:

“It took about two weeks to get the job done, we think it will protect us as long as the river doesn’t get higher than 5.6 metres. We had the first test yesterday and it meant that we were protected and we will open for business as normal tomorrow.”

Gary added:

“In previous years the water would come round the back and flood us, but due to the protection we built we remained relatively dry during the flood yesterday.”