Jesse Norman, now standing for re-election as the MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire, called for a major package of investment in Ross-on-Wye following the catastrophic recent flooding.

Now he has doubled down on this campaign, with a letter to the Leader of Herefordshire Council, Jonathan Lester, proposing specific interim reliefs from local car parking charges.

Jesse has been chairing the Ross-on-Wye Flood Recovery Group alongside Herefordshire Council and Ross Town Councillors, to monitor the work of Welsh Water and Balfour Beatty and their contractors, and press for faster implementation and fair and inclusive compensation to residents and businesses affected.

Commenting, Jesse said: “Ross-on-Wye needs a major package of new investment to put the town back up on its feet after the recent floods.

“That should not just be a full reconstruction and resurfacing of Broad Street and Brookend Street, but an extension of the paving stones all the way down.

“Over the longer term, we all need to work together to secure a multi-year plan of town centre improvements, both to build local pride and attract new investment. But in the meantime, these targeted reliefs from car parking charges would be a great way to boost tourism and support local businesses in the crucial summer season.”