Shop owners in parts of Hereford city centre have reacted to the news that charges will be increased from the middle of May, with the current 50p charge for a 30 minute stay increased by 100% to £1. The charge for a two hour stay will increase from the current £3 charge to £4 and shop owners have reacted furiously.
Kim Hawkes from Kiki’s on St Owen Street said that she ‘had a little cry’ when finding out the news. She added that the ‘installation of the parking meters was detrimental enough’ without this additional increase at such a tough time for traders.
Cath Brash who also works at a store on St Owen Street said she agrees with Kim.
Members of the public have also reacted by saying the following:
Hayley Gjerstad – “I love to pop to the independent shops, but £4 for up to 2 hours parking is not encouraging to go into a town that desperately needs footfall to increase to help aid retail recovery!”
Joanna Kippax – “This will encourage online shopping even further. What a shame!”
Nick Meers – “Well that’s finally it then. Greed wins. I won’t be returning to what was once a lovely bustling busy city, unless I absolutely have to. Well done for wrecking our city some more. Short-sighted stupidity.”

You can check out the new charges in full by visiting –