Cadent Gas have provided an update on the ongoing situation regarding gas supply issues in the Hampton Bishop and Fownhope areas of Herefordshire.

The company has this afternoon confirmed that affected households and businesses will be entitled to compensation.

A spokesperson for Cadent Gas said:

Great news: really pleased to say we are ahead of the schedule we shared this morning, regarding restoring your gas supplies.
“Our engineers are now visiting homes in every impacted area – except for Fownhope (more on that later) – to turn supplies back on and check everything is working as it should.
“So, that’s everywhere affected in Hampton Bishop, Mordiford, Holme Lacy and Priors Frome.
“Please DO NOT attempt to turn your own supply back on. Our engineers must do that. This ensures both your safety and everyone’s safety.
“As well as turning the supply back on, they will check your boiler, appliances and everything gas-related, to make sure it’s all working as it should be.
What about Fownhope? We are hopeful to be able to start restoring some supplies here today, but want to prepare you to be ready for this possibly being tomorrow.
“This is only because of the way the underground gas network is structured – we’d start sooner if we could. We will update you once we know more – thanks for bearing with us.
Do you need to stay in? It would be incredibly helpful if you could. We will need to access your property to restore your supply and carry out checks.
“But if you need to go out, that’s fine too. We keep a log of properties where we’ve had no answer and will make multiple visits, well into this evening, and into tomorrow.
When will we work to tonight? We will work until late. Once it gets dark, we will only knock on doors if there is a light on. We will return tomorrow morning otherwise.
Need a hot meal? Hot food provision remains available at two venues. These meals are free, for any of you without means to cook a meal.
“One van is at Hampton Bishop Village Hall, the other in the car park of The Green Man, Fownhope. Thank you to both locations for your support in making space available to accommodate these facilities.
“Our customer support teams are also on site and will be into this evening – at both Hampton Bishop Village Hall and The Green Man (car park), Fownhope. Please come visit us if you need any help.
“We have a list of customers who are on the Priority Services Register and regularly calling in on them too.
“You can ring the team direct on 0800 072 0035. If you can, please visit us in person, as that line is very busy.
“We know it’s not been great to be without gas, but can we just say again how appreciative our teams have been on site for the understanding and kindness you’ve shown throughout. Thank you.
Compensation? Yes, absolutely, you are entitled to it and will get it. We are arranging for that to happen automatically (you don’t need to do anything). You’ll see more info in the FAQ tab on this page. In short, householders get £65 for every 24 hours your property has been without gas; businesses get £105 for every 24 hours.”