Herefordshire’s COVID-19 infection rate is falling rapidly, despite restrictions being fully lifted two weeks ago.
In the seven day period ending 28th July, there were 314 new cases of COVID-19 recorded in Herefordshire, meaning that the COVID-19 infection rate for this period was 162.9 cases per 100,000 population. This is down by 42.2% on the seven day period ending 21st July, when 543 new cases were recorded, with the COVID-19 infection rate at 281.6 cases per 100,000 population.
It’s good news on the vaccination front too, with 86.6% of adults in the county now having received their first COVID-19 vaccine. In total, 72.9% of adults in Herefordshire have received both doses of a Coronavirus vaccine.
Drop-ins available ALL WEEK at Elgar House in Hereford for 1st & 2nd doses. Open from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm for first doses of Pfizer. Second dose of Pfizer & AstraZeneca available if it’s over 8 weeks since your first dose. 18+, No need to book, just turn up!