Herefordshire Council is to spend £1.1 million on eight gritters to help Herefordshire stay resilient against winter cold snaps.

The decision was made by councillors earlier this week.

Further details from the Herefordshire Council website:

“Herefordshire Council to authorise the spend / investment in the council / public realm assets to provide winter resilience following the council’s resolution at the councils meeting on 11 February 2022, to approve the proposed capital investment from 2022/23.”

Implement the winter fleet strategy which will allow for the replacement of 8 fleet vehicles over the next 5 years.

Renew outdated weather stations.

Install flood warning system.

Decisions taken:

£1,402,000 be invested in the asset to support county winter resilience as set out below over the next 4 years:

a) £1,160k in 8 no Winter Gritters 2022/23 through to 2026/27;

b) £180k investment in Weather Monitoring and Forecasting Stations;

c) £40k in Flood Warning Sensors + bases; and

d) £22k in installation and project management costs

Full decision –