Herefordshire Council is to consider introducing a congestion charge and a workplace parking levy in Hereford. These options are being considered, alongside a number of others, to try an encourage a long term behaviour change to more sustainable travel habits.

With the council looking at bringing in electric buses to Herefordshire, this would need subsidising to the tune of several million pounds a year.

The council also notes the need for a new multi storey car park, with Merton Meadow and the Country Bus Station noted as possible locations.

The proposals include:

Levying a charge on businesses in a specific area with more than ten private parking spaces in the city centre.

A congestion charge to enter Hereford city centre.

Increased parking charges in on street and off street car parks.

The documents shared with us also note that there would need to be ‘strong political leadership’ to be able to get these options through. The document also notes that further bus and cycle lanes would need to be installed in the city centre.

Nottingham is used as an example of where such a scheme has worked, with a case study noted.

In 2012, Nottingham City Council introduced a Workplace Parking Levy scheme to tackle problems associated with traffic congestion, by using the charge to provide funding for major transport infrastructure initiatives and as an incentive for employers to manage their workplace parking provision Nottingham City Council charges with more than 10 parking spaces £424 yearly per space. The scheme has raised £61 million since it was implemented which has been invested in transport infrastructure in the city.