Hereford’s newly installed bollards have been installed to prevent ‘errant vehicles impacting pedestrians’ and the installation is not linked to a terrorism risk.

The information comes from a response from Herefordshire Council to a freedom of information request that asked for details on the total cost of the project.

The question posed said: Total spent on the “anti-terrorism bollards”, including installation and possible / predicted maintenance costs?

Response: “Total spent on the “anti-terrorism bollards”, including installation and possible / predicted maintenance costs.

“The Service Area have advised the bollard installation was a scheme from the Hereford City Centre programme which was funded jointly by Government Funding as administered by Marches Local Enterprise Partnership and Herefordshire Council.

“The bollards that have been installed in Hereford City Centre are not for ‘anti-terrorism’ but are designed to prevent an errant vehicle impacting upon congregations of pedestrians.

“The final costs are as yet unknown as the project is not completed, however the total budget allocated for the installation of the bollards is £222,646.29.

“There are no regular maintenance costs identified currently, but any defect maintenance required would be picked up by Balfour Beattie Living Places (BBLP) through the Annual Plan budget.”