A local independent business in Hereford has been targeted by what it believes to be a politically motivated attack.
Hey, Honey has recently moved from Capuchin Yard to Church Street in Hereford and has put signage up to let customers know. Sadly, this signage has been damaged with graffiti written on it.
Hey, Honey posted on Facebook saying:
“We can’t believe we are having to write this, but here we are.
“To whoever felt it acceptable and their place/right to vandalise and politicise the sign that our fragile little business paid (another local business) to install at the front of our new premises to advertise its opening- we feel extremely sad that you’ve chosen to do this to us at such a difficult time.
“Just so you are aware- you have now potentially associated a local, independent fledgling business, (which is actively supporting local community projects and looking to employ local people) with a side which it may or not be on, (if any at all), which in turn could ironically very well affect current or potential customers assumptions of us and whether they choose to shop with us or not.
“Hey, Honey! has already had an extremely tough first couple of years trading, and I would like to stress that this is NOT our opinion. Thank you to all of our existing customers for your continued support throughout this really awful time for ALL of us.”
The graffiti appeared on the signed between lunchtime on Wednesday and 1.30pm Thursday.