The landlords of the Saracens Head in Hereford are encountering remedial work on St Martins Street which is having an impact on their business. Simon Belsey and his partner Vanda have seen bar takings plummet since the work started last Monday.
Simon told Your Herefordshire “We were told the actual plan was meant to be the work would be the side of the building where the walkway is to the Victoria Bridge, but its now taking place at the front as well of the Saracens Head and the way the barriers are positioned people think we are closed”

Simon added “In this current economic climate its difficult enough running a business but this is making things even harder for us, we are though being compensated and appreciate the work needs to be done, it’s not ideal, but when the work is completed it will be a long term positive for our business and the city of Hereford”
The temporary traffic lights have also caused issues for motorists on the Old Bridge with reports them malfunctioning over the weekend. The work is due to last around six weeks but Simon is sceptical on the length of time it will take.
“The original plan was for the work to begin in September last year, then it was pushed back to October before finally starting in early February, we will wait and see what happens and hopefully it will be finished mid March, but we want to let people know we are still open and its business as usual”