Hereford and Leominster household recycling centres to reopen on Saturday.

Restrictions will remain in place to ensure safety of public and staff

Herefordshire Council will reopen Hereford and Leominster Household Recycling Centres for essential use only from Saturday 9 May.

They will be open from 8.00am to 6.00pm every day

The other Household Recycling Centres in Kington, Bromyard, Ledbury and Ross-on-Wye will remain closed for the time being, until available staffing resource will permit these sites to reopen as well.

Government guidance will be followed to ensure our sites can safely operate, and strict social distancing measures will be in place to protect both the public and staff. Only limited numbers of vehicles will be permitted entry at any time so long queues and delays are likely.

The governmentā€™s view is that household recycling centres play a critical role in the local management of waste, so making a journey to one is considered a ā€œreasonable excuseā€ if a resident has difficulty safely storing unavoidable waste.

Journeys to HWRCs must only be undertaken if your waste or recycling cannot be stored at home without causing risk of injury, health or harm, and cannot be disposed of safely by other means. If you can temporarily store your waste or recycling in a way that does not pose a risk to yours or others safety or human health, then you must do so.

Social distancing measures mean staff cannot provide assistance, so please make sure you are able to unload your waste unaided. If you are able, take additional measures to protect yourself and others such as using gloves and have sanitary wipes to use in your vehicle.

Anyone who is self-isolating or has Covid-19 symptoms must not visit a household recycling centre.

Councillor Gemma Davies, Cabinet Member for Commissioning, Procurement and Assets, said: ā€œI thank the public for their patience and understanding whilst plans have been made to re-open the recycling centres. Unlike many other councils we have decided not to instigate a booking system and are trusting the residents of Herefordshire to exercise their judgment as to whether their visit to the centre is essential. Any swamping of the sites will unfortunately result in more restrictive access to the sites and this is certainly not what anybody wants.

ā€œIt is important to recognise that we are still in a global pandemic and, wherever possible, we advise residents to take measures to avoid creating waste and manage it at home. I would also urge members of the public not only to follow the social distancing measures we will have in place but also be respectful to the members of staff facilitating the opening of the sites, they are doing a fantastic job in incredibly difficult circumstances.ā€

The councilā€™s waste collection service will continue to prioritise the collection of general rubbish and recycling. You can manage your garden waste in the following ways:

Cut and Drop – Donā€™t collect grass cuttings unless you intend to use them for home composting, simply cut the grass without the collector on.

Create a compost heap – No matter the size of your garden you should have space for a heap. If not use a low cost home composter to keep the garden tidy.

Create a wildlife habitat or bug hotel with thick branches and wood.

Use a licensed garden waste disposal service.
Do not burn your garden waste, as the smoke can aggravate respiratory difficulties of those suffering from Coronavirus and other illnesses.

Herefordshire Council also continues to offer a bulky item collection service. Please call 01432 260051 to make a booking.

For more information please visit