The Green Party Co-Leader Carla Denyer visits North Herefordshire.

Carla Denyer, Co-Leader of the Green Party, visited North Herefordshire yesterday (Thursday, 20th June) to speak to supporters in Ledbury and visit the Wye Valley Brewery, a local leader in sustainability, with local Green MP candidate Ellie Chowns.

Speaking to BBC Hereford and Worcester, Carla Denyer said:

“This constituency is a straightforward battle between Greens and Conservatives. So voters can choose which of those they prefer, and what we’re hearing on the doorsteps is that many of them want change. They’re obviously not going to get that from the Conservatives.”

On the Green Party’s chances in the constituency at this election, Ms Denyer told the BBC:

“So much has changed since 2019, including the level of campaigning we’re doing in this constituency,” Ms Denyer said.

“A vote for Green anywhere in the country is a message to the incoming government that you want your politicians to be a bit more brave, be a bit more imaginative with what this country can be, making it a fairer greener country.”

The Green Party Co-Leader’s visit to North Herefordshire comes in a week that has seen two polls predicting the Greens beating the Conservatives in the constituency.

A poll from Ipsos on Monday showed the Green Party on 36% and the Conservatives on 30%, with Labour and the Liberal Democrats trailing on a distant 15% and 5% respectively.

As reported in the Guardian, a poll of voters in North Herefordshire by Omnisis showed that, of poll respondents who had decided how they will vote, 39% intend to vote Green, while 28% intend to vote Conservative.