There is some good news for disabled visitors to Hereford city centre, with news that a changing places toilet is set to be installed at Maylord Orchards.

It’s been stated many times, that the lack of toilet facilities in Hereford city centre is a concern for some, especially those with disabilities or chronic disorders that mean they may need to use a toilet more often.  

On 24 February 2023, the Council accepted the Changing Places grant offered by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to support the installation of three Changing Places toilets in Hereford. 

This Record of Officer Decision was signed off by the Director of Resources and Assurance.

DLUHC (Department for Levelling Up,

Housing & Communities) allocated £287,000.00 to support the installation.

The Council agreed to spend the grand funding on 25 September 2023 and this granted delegated authority to the Strategic Assets Delivery Director to make all operational decisions.

The decision to award this will enable the works to commence at Venue 1, Maylord Orchards Shopping Centre, and will form part of the retail offer and will open up opportunities for people with disabilities to access, employment and leisure activities.

This Changing Places toilet will enable people with specific needs, with equipment such as hoists, privacy screens, adults sized changing benches, peninsula toilets and space for carers at the Maylord Orchards.