Freedom day is coming on Monday 19th July, with the majority of COVID-19 restrictions being lifted! This means that bars and clubs can return to normal ways of trading and a number of bars and clubs in Hereford are welcoming freedom day, with special deals!
The Venue will be offering ALL drinks for just £1 on Thursday 22nd July. Hopefully those visiting have booked Friday off work!

Play Nightclub will be hosting a ‘Straight Outta Lockdown’ party on Monday, and with nearly 90% of tickets already sold out, it’s set to be a big one!
A post on Play Nightclubs Facebook page said:
“After a year of waiting it’s time to finally press Play on freedom!
“Join us with 2 epic rooms of music for the best welcome back party in town.
“Book the Tuesday off of work, we’re sure your boss will understand, as this is a night that will go down in history.”

The Kerry will also be open on Monday evening, to celebrate the return of dancing.

For places such as Play Nightclub and The Venue, this will be the first opportunity they’ve had to fully trade since the pandemic first struck in March 2020.
Both have attempted to open as late night bars, rather than nightclubs, with guests seated and having to order via an app, but those working in the nightlife trade would probably all agree that this isn’t a cost effective or sustainable way of trading.