Flooding concerns will be raised across parts of Herefordshire later this week, with heavy rain once against forecast over parts of Wales.

A Met Office warning is in place on Thursday, with up to 100mm of rain possible over parts of Mid Wales, meaning that levels on the River Wye in Herefordshire are likely to rise once again.

The Met Office warning for Powys says:

“Rain is expected to set in during Wednesday evening, turning particularly heavy and persistent overnight especially over southwest facing hills. 40-70 mm is likely quite widely, with the wettest spots possibly seeing in excess of 100 mm of rain. 

“The rain will be coupled with generally windy conditions which is likely to further reduce visibility from spray. 

“Conditions will slowly improve through Thursday afternoon.”

More Details – https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/uk-warnings#?date=2023-03-16&id=1349dca4-5437-4f2d-b5bd-6ffc0fb3b601&details