De Koffie Pot and Left Bank in Hereford has closed with immediate effect following concerns over an increased number of COVID-19 cases in the UK.

A statement from De Koffie Pot said:

Dear Customers, Thank you for your continued and much valued support through these very difficult times. As the largest venue in Hereford, we take our responsibilities extremely seriously. We feel that the correct course of action as the COVID virus mutates and perhaps intensifies within the UK is to close the Left Bank Village and De Koffie Pot with immediate effect. We will reopen in the New Year when we feel safe to do so. This means that our New Year’s Eve celebrations at the Left Bank are cancelled. However, subject to Council approval, we will set off a fabulous firework display at Midnight on New Year’s Eve. The display will be from a secret location, and spectators can only witness the display from their homes. Enjoy a drink at home, and let out a big cheer for the NHS at midnight. Stay home and stay safe.