Herefordshire Council has agreed to spend up to £200,000 on the appointment of a consultancy service to assist the development of the new Waste Collection Service Specification.

The council has decided to appoint Woods at a total cost of £166,782 to assist the development of the new Waste Collection Service Specification and associated contract document, to support the procurement process to appoint a new waste collection contractor(s) and to support the mobilisation of the new contractor(s).

The council has also approved the allocation of a contingency budget for any additional potential financial, legal or technical support needed to secure value for money on the future contract up to a total contract value of £200,000.

The council said that the current waste collection contract expires on 1st Nov 2023 which presents a tight re-procurement timescale.

One of the reasons behind the decision to spend up to £200,000 on this is that the Council does not have the required officer capacity and technical specialism in order to develop the service specification and associated contractual documents to re-procure this essential service.