Herefordshire Council will discuss its controversial traffic measures on Tuesday when full council meets. The decision by seven cabinet councillors to go ahead with the initiatives aimed at creating a safer city, for pedestrians and cyclists, have received a huge backlash due to the impact on businesses and the likelihood of increased congestion in the city due to reduced lanes and the Old Bridge Closure.
Extraordinary meeting, Council – Tuesday 4 August 2020 2.00 pm
Title of report: Motions on notice
Report by: Solicitor to the Council
Key decision
This is not an executive decision.
Wards affected
To consider a notice of motion concerning an urgent matter.
THAT: the motion below is debated and determined by Council.
(Proposed by Councillor Jim Kenyon, Seconded by Councillor Jonathan Lester)
We ask that the temporary infrastructure measures brought in across the county to encourage
cycling and walking be debated at the full Council meeting on 4 August 2020 and in light of the
debate the executive is asked to reconsider its decision to implement the temporary measures.
Reason for urgency
As the changes to the road network may have an adverse effect on the day to day activities of
businesses and residents it is important that this matter is debated at the next council meeting.