There has been a concerning surge in the number of reports of women being spiked by a needle whilst in nightclubs across the UK.
Police forces across the UK have issued warnings, including Devon & Cornwall Police, Nottinghamshire Police and Dorset Police.
Superintendent Kathryn Craner, of Nottinghamshire Police confirmed that investigations were taking place and that a small number of people had felt a scratching sensation which indicated that they may have been spiked physically.
Weymouth and Portland Police said:
“Last weekend we received reports of people requiring medical attention after possibly having their drinks spiked while on a night out in Weymouth.
“We remain committed to ensuring Weymouth has a safe and vibrant nightlife. We have been working with licensed premises and our partners to raise awareness, provide advice and support in order to ensure premises remain safe.
“Additional measures aimed at detecting drink spiking have been put in place. If you believe someone may have spiked your drink, inform a member of staff and they will be able to assist you. The Safe Space will also be open this weekend and can be visited if you have any concerns around your safety and well-being while being out in town.”
Stealth Nightclub in Nottingham have issued a statement on social media: