Herefordshire council urges anyone in need of accommodation tonight to contact its Housing Solutions Team

As temperatures are forecast to plummet below freezing again tonight, Herefordshire Council is urging anyone in the county without a roof over their head to contact the Housing Solutions Team to get help with securing accommodation.

The team will assess each case and work to provide accommodation for the night. This is most likely to be a bed and breakfast establishment and located, where possible, close to each individual’s support network.

Each case will be reviewed daily and a Rough Sleeper Worker will work with every service user to secure future housing.

The Housing Solutions Team can be contacted from 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday on 01432 261546 or 01432 261547. The team can also be contacted by email at

Anyone needing help with accommodation outside these hours can contact the Out Of Hours duty officer on 01432 261600.

For more information about services for homeless people in Herefordshire please visit the council’s website.