The Hereford and South Herefordshire Labour Party have confirmed that local party Cllr. Kath Hey, currently serving as an independent Councillor at Herefordshire Council is to join the Labour Party. 

She has been inspired by the Labour Party’s local activity on issues ranging from the health of our rivers to promoting the safety of women and girls in the County. 

In her work as a Councillor over the last four years she has worked hard to champion the issues that affect children and young people, particularly children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and would like that work to continue.

Councillor Hey has also joined the group because she supports the national policies of the Labour Party that will revitalise our economy and public services. Supporting the aims that together we can make Hereford a fairer and sustainable place to live for all.

Hereford’s Chair, Anna Coda states ‘Cllr. Kath Hey’s move to Labour is a recognition of the work done by the party both locally and nationally, to reach out to people on issues that concern them. I welcome her into the party and hope that will follow’.

Cllr Kath Hey has said ‘I welcome the chance to be part of The Herefordshire Labour Party Group. The residents of the County deserve the chance to vote for a party that promotes opportunity and equality for all’.