Clap For Our Carers is back for ‘Lockdown 3’, but this time the campaign has been widened and updated to Clap For Heroes!

In what is hoped will become a weekly event again, Clap For Heroes will not only celebrate our NHS, care workers and key workers – from delivery drivers to postal workers, emergency services to teachers – but will also acknowledge every hero who has played their part through the pandemic, including but not limited to: home-schoolers, neighbours, scientists, volunteers, all those who wear masks when out, those who have stayed at home and socially distanced, shop workers, those in the Arts and hospitality sectors, everyone who has battled or is still battling Covid-19 (or caring for a loved one who is unwell), and also those sorely missed loved ones and friends who have been tragically lost to the virus.

Please join us on doorsteps and balconies (wearing masks and at a safe social distance) across the UK this Thursday at 8pm and let’s show our appreciation to all our heroes!