Women in Herefordshire are being asked to consider how they can become more involved in politics to increase female representation in local democracy by attending an online meeting on Wednesday 19 January. 

Cllr Yolande Watson said: ‘Women are required in politics to represent their needs, wisdom and community. About a third of our parish councillors are women. We know that a fifth of the parish councils in Herefordshire have no women or only one woman councillor. It’s time to change that so Herefordshire Women’s Equality Group (HWEG) are holding an online meeting to encourage women to stand as political representatives.’

‘The speaker is Hannah Stevens, from Elect Her  which is here to equip you with the knowledge, confidence and skills you need to stand for political office. Elect Her work across the political spectrum and welcome women from all backgrounds, representing all parties and none.  Please come along and ask your questions of Hannah, and parish and ward councillors from across Herefordshire.  And even if you are not keen to stand, bring along a friend who might be!’