Herefordshire Council aim to reduce the risk of vehicle-borne attacks, whether from errant vehicles or those acts motivated by terrorism aims.

Given that these events have happened in various large cities across Europe, then there is clearly a potential for such events to happen.

To investigate, HC undertook a TVRA (Threat, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment) for part of the Historic Core in February 2021. This identified High Town/St Peter’s Street/Commercial Street as the highest attractiveness as a target which would be logical in terms of being the areas of highest pedestrian concentrations.

HC will install a number of fixed, removable and lowering/rising bollards at key city gateways along with an Operating Protocol to be followed for day- to-day operations and events.

The contract will include the procurement of HVM bollards, installation and associated drainage works and awarded via the NBS SBS PS-Works: Public Sector Constriction Works framework in accordance with CPR’s.

Detailed proposal received from Speller Metcalfe with costs of £202,830.29.

The Remaining budget allocated for HVM is £192,647.90. This budget will be used for procurement of HVM bollards, installation and associated drainage works. 

The additional costs will be funded by underspends within other elements to ensure the overall HCCI programme remains within the £6m budget.

Value for money has been assured through detailed market research/product investigations followed by approaches to HC Term Contractor, BBLP, and Speller Metcalfe – an NHS Shared Business Services Framework contractor as recommended by HC Commercial Services.

Following cost and risk review, HVM measures will not be progressed at two sites within the City (Bewell Street and Eign Gate).

Both of these locations were assessed as lower-risk sites due to the protection the existing bollards and street furniture provides. 

There is potential to install PAS 68 rated measures at these locations at a future date although not within this funding allocation.

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