Alina Homecare Hereford were hugely touched that one of their beloved clients, Betty, had thought so much of their carers and the quality of care she received, that in her Will, she entrusted them to choose a local charity to receive £1,000 from her. The Alina Homecare Team considered several local charities and unanimously agreed on The Princess Trust, based in Hereford, and notified Betty’s solicitors.

The Little Princess Trust was set up in Hereford in 2005 and now provides more than 2,000 free, real hair wigs to children and young people every year. It is also one of the largest charity funders of childhood cancer research in the UK.

Members of the Alina Homecare Team recently visited the charity and had a tour, including seeing the wig maker weaving wigs. They met and chatted with both the CEO Phil Brace and Founder Wendy Tarplee-Morris, who sadly lost her own daughter Hannah to cancer. They then had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for £1,000 on behalf of Betty.

Registered Manager of Alina Homecare Hereford, Sarah Williams says

“We were able to make this donation thanks to our beloved client Betty, who sadly passed away but very generously left the money in her Will for us to donate to a charity of our choice. I know Betty would approve of The Little Princess Trust as though she did not have children, in her earlier years she put a lot of time into helping children and young families in need in her local community. As a Team, we felt this marks that dedication in the perfect way. The Little Princess Trust is such a wonderful cause for us to have donated to.”

The Photo shows (from left), Kim (Relationships Manager at Little Princess Trust)

Leona (Care Ambassador Alina Homecare Hereford), Sonia (Care Coordinator Alina Homecare Hereford), Sarah (Registered Manager Alina Homecare Hereford), Tayla (Care Assistant Alina Homecare Hereford) and Phil (CEO at Little Princess Trust