Photo Credit: The Oak Inn Staplow

A pub in Herefordshire has taken the decision to close for a few hours on Monday, so they staff can watch Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

Chris and Heather from the Oak Inn Staplow near Ledbury said:

“The Queen’s funeral is on Monday 19th at 11.00am and as a mark of respect and in her honour we won’t open until 2.00pm to allow our staff the opportunity to watch for themselves. 

“Team Oak will be serving drinks only during the afternoon, then we’ll reopen our restaurant later at 6.00pm.

“Meanwhile Team Oak will be screening live daily TV updates with subtitles (daytime only), plus now serving ‘CHEERS MA’AM’ real ale, Queen’s favourite CHICKEN & LEEK PIE, CORONATION CHICKEN SALAD and our hugely popular homemade traditional QUEEN’S JUBILEE TRIFLE; all in addition to our main menu.”