A Herefordshire school has been rated as ‘outstanding’ following a recent visit by Ofsted inspectors.

Ofsted Inspectors were extremely impressed with The Beacon College in Hereford.

‘The Beacon College is a special place where there is a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, which you will experience as soon as you enter the college, because one of our fundamental aims is to ensure we provide a calm, supportive and safe environment for everyone.’

The report shared by Ofsted said:

“Students thrive at The Beacon College. 

“Staff make sure that they understand each student incredibly well. This means that from the moment they start, students’ needs are met and they are able to flourish.

“Students’ personal development is the golden thread that runs through all aspects of school life. Staff work thoughtfully to make sure that students are very well prepared for adulthood in every respect. 

“The exceptionally well designed curriculum, the extensive range of wider opportunities and the carefully planned experiences for students to practise and apply their skills provide an excellent platform for students’ next steps.

“Students enjoy school. There is a strong focus on teaching students to be able to advocate for themselves. 

“Students are taught to make choices for themselves and to be able to communicate effectively when they want things to change. Students’ views are at the heart of their provision. 

“The school has precisely planned what they do so to ensure that students make meaningful choices in all areas of school life. As a result, students are confident that their voices are listened to.

“The school has exceptionally high expectations for students, and staff provide students with the tools to meet these expectations. Students learn about themselves and the needs of others, so they are well prepared for employment, education or more specialist provision.

“What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

“Leaders let nothing stand in the way of providing the best quality education for students. All areas of provision are meticulously planned so that nothing is left to chance. 

“Students practise and apply their knowledge and skills across all areas of their provision. Every learning activity is meaningful and highly focused on preparing each individual student for adulthood.

“The rigorous curriculum is precisely matched to each student to make sure that they have the academic skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the future. 

“Students learn English and mathematics through a curriculum that is focused on providing students with the opportunities to learn about activities or workplaces that they may access in the future. 

“Highly expert staff support students in learning the curriculum well. Some students use communication tools and staff make sure that all students contribute fully to lessons. Meticulous curriculum planning means that everything that students learn is applied in a real-life setting. Educational visits and work experience are used to complement and build on classroom learning.

“Students at the earliest stages of reading continue to be taught to read using an appropriate phonics programme. More confident readers enjoy choosing from a wide range of reading materials. 

“Students are encouraged to read widely and some students choose to spend quiet time in the well-stocked book corner.

“Students learn about the wider world through the bespoke personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum that is designed to support their individual pathway to adulthood. For example, students learn about financial management. 

“For some students being prepared for independent living, this includes a visit to the estate agent’s to look at rental properties and to learn to budget. 

“For other students, this may involve learning how to buy things in a shop. Students are taught how to keep themselves safe and about healthy relationships. The PSHE curriculum is well supported by experts. Those students who need more help understanding themselves and their bodies receive highly focused sessions from relevant agencies. 

“The highly effective PSHE programme ensures that all students can take their next steps with confidence.

“Students have many opportunities to develop their talents and interests. They take part in an extensive range of activities designed to support them in adulthood. 

“These activities, too, are uniquely tailored to students’ needs, talents and ambitions. 

“Careers education is a real strength. Students learn about workplaces, further education and about the community activities they may access in adulthood. Nearly all students participate in regular work experience, where they learn skills for work as well as for life.

“Trustees are highly effective. They are highly ambitious for students and carefully target their work so that the school provides the best quality education. 

“The headteacher is an exceptional role model and staff appreciate the support they get from leaders. This shared vision and practice of all staff provides students with an exceptional education.”

For more information, please visit – https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50246914