A Hereford primary school has been rated as ‘Good’ in a recent visit by Ofsted inspectors.

Ofsted visited the school on 2nd and 3rd November 2022.

The report said:

The school was last inspected 13 years ago and judged ‘Outstanding’ under a previous inspection framework. This reflected the school’s overall effectiveness under the inspection framework in use at the time.

From then until November 2020, the school was exempted by law from routine inspection, so there has been a longer gap than usual between inspections. Judgements in this report are based on the current inspection framework and also reflects changes that may have happened at any point since the last inspection.

Pupils have memorable experiences that they cherish at Marlbrook Primary School. The school site, recently enhanced by an impressive extension project, is at the heart of the local community. The school is alive with activity from early in the morning until late in the afternoon. Many children enjoy attending the breakfast club provision that is offered to all.

Pupils behave very well. They are typically kind and polite to one another and treat adults with respect. They are proud to welcome visitors to their school. Such positive attitudes foster a happy environment that is conducive to purposeful learning.

Adults care about pupils and work hard to attend to their needs. Occasionally, there are incidents of bullying or unwelcome behaviour. Pupils trust staff to sort these issues out. Staff act quickly to deal with matters. Their swift actions help pupils to feel safe at school.

The range of extra-curricular activities and educational visits offered to pupils is a striking feature of school provision. Many pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, participate in carefully planned activities that cater for different pupils’ interests. These opportunities greatly enhance pupils’ experiences at school.

More Details – Ofsted | Marlbrook Primary School