A total of 82 COVID-19 deaths were recorded at hospitals in Herefordshire (Wye Valley NHS Trust) during the month of January, data released by NHS England has confirmed.

During this time, Hereford County Hospital saw a huge increase in the number of patients being treated for the virus, with close to 50% of the total beds in the hospital being occupied by patients that had tested positive for COVID-19. During the middle of January, the peak occurred with over 115 patients being treated. ICU capacity was also doubled to deal with the increasing demand.


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The data shows that January was clearly the worst month for deaths at hospitals in Herefordshire, with over a third of the total number of deaths recorded at hospitals in Herefordshire during the whole pandemic so far recorded during the first month of 2021.

In total, 224 COVID-19 related deaths have been recorded at hospitals in Herefordshire since the pandemic started a year ago.