Officers are appealing for information to help locate a teenage girl who has been reported missing from Gloucester.

Phoebe, aged 17, was last seen on Bruton Way in the city at around 4.35pm yesterday (Friday 14 June) and hasn’t returned which has caused concerns for her welfare.

The teenager is described as being 5ft 6ins tall, of a slim build, and has brown shoulder length hair with blonde tips.

When last seen Phoebe was wearing a grey long sleeved jumper, black leggings, black Nike Air trainers and carrying a black handbag.

Phoebe is known to frequent the Stroud and Gloucester areas with officers currently searching for her.

Anyone with information on Phoebe’s whereabouts is asked to call 101 quoting incident 383 of 14 June. Please dial 999 if you are with Phoebe at the time of calling.

You can also give information through the Missing People charity on 116 000 or you can find out more information through the charity’s website