Hattie – Bulldog – 5 years old
From Hereford and Worcester Animal Rescue:
This ladies and gentleman, is the face of another poor soul that has been used and abused!
Bred from over and over if her undercarriage is anything to go by, arriving as a stray in poor condition with nasty sores on her back legs, incredibly swollen back end from the sheer amount of puppies that she has likely been forced to produce.
After fulfilling her purpose we presume Hattie was turfed out like rubbish.
Hattie was very worried and didn’t know who she could trust, the only thing that made her feel safe and allowed her to show any type of emotion was the smell of her horrible dirty harness that she arrived with.
Luckily, it didn’t take long for Hattie to realise that she could trust us, after a few baths, some tasty food and overall gentle TLC we can’t tell you how sweet this beautiful lady is, she now loves attention but isn’t satisfied with just sitting beside you, she likes to stick to you like glue, afraid that her beloved people may leave her again.
Sadly, she may always be hand shy but with time and patience we hope she will learn that not everyone is going to tell her off and treat her unkindly.
Today was a big day for Hattie, she visited Brookfield Vets, Hereford & Ledbury for her health check, she was very brave having her vaccination and loved meeting their fantastic team, unfortunately though it seems like Hattie may become a regular visitor as she will be needing a dental including removal of a broken canine, removal of a few lumps whilst also being neutered and possible entropion surgery to both eyes.
We would desperately love for Hattie to fall in love again, with someone who will care for her how she deserves, like the true Princess she is, she’s the kindest soul who just craves acceptance.
Hattie loves to talk, in her wonderfully wierd voice that only true bulldog lovers will understand and appreciate.
We are looking for an adult home as we have no previous history and don’t feel Hattie would cope with a busy home environment.
Ideally someone who has a good knowledge and experience with bulldogs, mainly caring for her skin folds, which should cause her no issues if regularly kept clean.
Hattie has shown no issues around other dogs so far, further assessments will be continued.
However, we do feel that Hattie would prefer to be an only dog where she can receive all the attention to herself.
If you would like to express an interest or could possibly offer a foster placement for our squishy lovebug we would love to hear from you.
Please give us a call on 01568 760033.
Please share with any bulldog lovers, this little girl is a poppet.