I just want to put in the public domain some good news and something that the people of Herefordshire can be justly very proud of.

I sit as an independent Foster Panel member for Herefordshire Council. As you can imagine life has been very challenging for Foster Cares, children and Social workers who are charged with meeting many statutory requirements in protecting children and working with families on a daily basis.

This week our panel which is held over video links considered some 8 cases that required evaluation before going to the decision maker next week. I want to say we observed some great practice and some incredible outcomes for children which stemmed out of a considerable amount of dedicated work and support from Social workers.

It is uplifting at times to see that by skilled and knowledgeable practice families can be helped to become very gifted carers who have a good understanding of how very damaged children see the world. So like the NHS and other emergency services who quietly just get on with it, I would like to congratulate those Social workers and Carers who constantly make a difference to some of the most challenging of children.

This week I observed some remarkable work and I am proud to be able to speak up for the practitioners that on a daily basis are working to get the best outcomes for the children of this County.

Well done, I know that not every case can have such outcomes but this week was special and worthy of comment and praise.

Nick Nenadich.

Independent panel member Herefordshire Council.