Over 30’s can now book their life saving COVID-19 vaccine. Up until today, those aged over 32 could book their vaccine but with the roll out continuing to gather pace, this has now been extended to anyone aged over 30.

You can book your COVID-19 vaccine if any of the following apply:

  • you’re aged 30 or over
  • you’ll turn 30 before 1 July 2021
  • you’re at high risk from COVID-19 (clinically extremely vulnerable)
  • you have a condition that puts you at higher risk (clinically vulnerable)
  • you have a learning disability
  • you’re a frontline health or social care worker
  • you get a Carer’s Allowance, get support following an assessment by your local authority or your GP record shows you’re a carer

If you’re an eligible unpaid carer but you cannot book an appointment, speak to your GP surgery.

Find out more about who can get the COVID-19 vaccine.
