“In Bloom” groups across the Midlands have been working incredibly hard in order to catch the judges’ eyes, and none harder than Hereford’s own “In Bloom” group following their drop from a Gold award to a Silver Gilt in 2017.
This years Hereford In Bloom judging took place last Wednesday (11th July) in and around the city following a huge push by the Hereford in Bloom team to get the city looking “blooming” lovely.
Public spending cut backs have resulted in the task landing squarely on the shoulders of community groups and the public at large in recent years, so voluntary groups Hereford in Bloom and Hereford Community Clean Up Group met with paid staff from Hereford BID to look at problem areas on the Hereford in Bloom route, including the site bordering the Herdsman and City Electrics.

The 10th Hereford Scouts did their bit for Hereford in Bloom alongside many other volunteers.
Despite earlier attempts to make the planters in this part of the city more visitor friendly this area was desperately in need of some love and attention; so instead of watching England’s nail-biting World Cup game against Colombia, volunteers from Herefordshire Council’s Stop the Drop Campaign, Hereford Community Clean up Group and the 10th Hereford Scouts turned out to do their bit for their city. The beds were weeded and cleared, and replanted with much welcomed greenery donated by local business County Jet Clean with just a week to go until judging.
The community groups worked with other local organisations, including Balfour Beatty, to complete their grueling task for the next week, and by the eve of the judges’ arrival the whole route had been weeded, swept, planted, cleaned and litterpicked.
The results of the judging are not made public until September, but the volunteers are hopeful after one judge commented on the positive progress made since their last visit.
Well done to all the community groups and individuals involved in this years competition, what a fantastic achievement.
More on Hereford in Bloom can be found on their website: www.herefordinbloom.co.uk