A brand new Bubble Tea Shop has opened on Union Walk in Hereford.

CoCo99 is situated in the former Peter Prosser building next to the old nightclub. Owner Andy Watts told us more “I am a retired doctor and finished work two years ago, I’m involved in a couple of other things and I am also the chair of Healthwatch Herefordshire, but I needed a new project, something to get my teeth into as I was bored and a bit lonely at home. I had plenty of time on my hands and the building was available so I thought I would set up a business”

Andy is supported in the cafe by his friend Ice Mokya who he has known for 16 years.

He commented “Ice came to Hereford in the 00’s and she learnt how to make bubble tea in her home country of Thailand, we have been friends for a long time and she has plenty of passion in her work, she loves making different types of drinks, she is so creative in what she does”

We asked Ice about her background “I moved to Hereford 16 years ago and I was originally from Bangkok. I used to work in childcare and I wanted to do something different, me and Andy spoke about opening the cafe and it all started from there. I trained for around two years in bubble tea making. I love changing the menu and trying out different drinks and its something different for the people of Hereford to try”

Andy added “We have been open a week now and its been brilliant to see some of my old patients pop in and see me, its a complete change to what I did before, but i’m thoroughly enjoying it”