The Courtyard will be adapting its covid procedures in line with the lifting of restrictions from 19 July 2021. 

In his speech on 12 July, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that Step 4 of the government’s roadmap will proceed as planned on 19 July. Social distancing, mask wearing and table service in bars and restaurants will no longer be government requirements. In addition, all capacity limits on entertainment and hospitality will be lifted. 

Despite being delighted that business can resume ‘as normal’and capacities can increase, The Courtyard will still be implementing some practices to ensure customers feel safe and comfortable returning to the venue. Hand sanitising stations and NHS Track and Trace scanning codes will still be set up around the building. Contactless payments will be encouraged where possible and although it will not be enforced, the venue is urging customers to continue to wear face coverings in busy spaces.  

“We are thrilled to be able to finally bring back live shows and films at full capacity.” Says Courtyard Operations Manager, Phillip Pearcy, â€œHowever, the safety of our customers and staff is still of paramount importance to us. We will be proceeding with caution and strongly recommend that audiences consider continuing to wear face coverings and take lateral flow testsbefore attending.”

The lifting of restrictions has enabled The Courtyard to programme a full season of live shows and films at full capacityonce again. Not having to enforce social distancing is a saving grace for Herefordshire’s leading arts venue, who would have been at risk of financial ruin had limited capacities been imposed for the next season. However, one off socially distanced screenings will be available for most films over the coming months for those who would feel more comfortable remaining distanced. 

Highlights in The Courtyard’s September to December programme include: Birth (Wednesday 29 September) a new piece by Theatre RE exploring the journey through Emily’s family history when, at eight months pregnant, she discovers her grandmother’s journal; Cold (Thursday 7 October) a UK premiere from Open Sky that combines physical theatre with cutting-edge filming techniques to bring this screening, filmed on The Courtyard stage; Canticles of the Sky (Friday 15 October), a concert representing three generations of Americana from resident orchestra, Orchestra of the Swan; Pedlars Tales(Saturday 6 November), an interactive performance featuring a host of puppets from Fetch Theatre Company and Dead Lies(Monday 8 – Saturday 13 November) a hard-hitting political thriller starring Clive Mantle (Casualty, Game of Thrones) and Kimberly Wyatt (Pussycat Dolls). Rounding up the season is the return of The Courtyard’s annual pantomime, Jack and The Beanstalk (Friday 26 November 2021 – Saturday 8 January 2022) and children’s Christmas show The Snow Queen(Saturday 4 – Friday 31 December).

For more information about The Courtyard’s latest covid information and upcoming programme of events or to book tickets visit